About Dr. Anand Muller Pattan
Consultant in urology obtained his MBBS in 1987 and MS in General Surgery in 1991, from the Kasturba Medical
College Mangalore. He passed out of MBBS with a 4th rank in the University. He Subsequently moved to
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal where he worked in the Department of Surgery for two years before taking up
Senior Registrars position in the Department of Urology in 1994 for the 3years MCh programme. After completing
his MCh in the "state of the art" Department of Urology ,he worked in KMC Mangalore heading the Division of
Urology at the University Medical Centre ,KMC Mangalore till 2000. During his training period he was awarded
the prestigious Wiest Empire prize in urodynamics at the USICON National Conference 1995, Bangalore, his
paper was selected for the International Continence Society meeting at Athens, Greece. From 2001 to 2004 he
performed advanced urological procedures at the Saumya Apollo Hospitals, Vijayawada, where he was the Chief
Urologist ,and also has the credit of establishing the Department of Urology at the GSL Medical college,
Rajahmundry,Andhra Pradesh. He is in Bangalore from 2004, and has established himself as a popular, ethical
and competent Urologist. He has constantly upgraded himself attending Workshops and Conferences both at
national and International levels. He is one of the few urologist well versed in the complex Holmium laser
enucleation of the prostate. He is well known as a teacher for both undergraduate and post graduate and has
trained several urologists under him. He worked as the chief urologist RG.stone Clinic in 2008-2009. He has
pioneered his own technique of minimally invasive surgery without the use of conventional laparoscopic
equipment. Many complicated and complex cases are referred to him from neighbouring cities and towns and
also from other states. He has the distinctions of treating several international patients from the U.K, U.S.A and
African Countries. He has several publications and presentations as various national and International fora and
has been invited to lecture by several organizations.
Areas of expertise :
- Laser applications in urology
RIRS (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery)
Laser prostatectomy (HOLEP)
Laparoscopic /Minimal access Urology
Endourology TURP/TUR Bladder tumor
Percutaneous renal store surgery (tubeless/mini PCNL etc.)
Reconstructive Urology congenital problems, urethral stricture diseases.
Uro oncology
Paediatric Urology
M. Ch in Genito-Urinary Surgery (Urology)- Kasturba Medical College & Hospital, - Manipal, MAHE University -
1994 1997
MS General Surgery - Kasturba Medical College & Hospital, - Manipal, Mangalore University - 1989 1991
MBBS - Kasturba Medical College & Hospital, - Manipal, Mangalore University - 1982 1987
AREAS OF INTEREST/STRENGTHS - One of the few Urologists in the country practicing HoLEP
(Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate)
Rich experience in lower urinary tract surgery, upper tract surgery, particularly percutaneous renal surgery with
a large series of bilateral, complex and tubeless PCNLs
Laser Applications in Urology
Exemplary experience in the use of Holmium laser for urological procedures like prostate and "stone" surgeries
Reconstructive Urology
Vast experience in urethral stricture surgery, hypospadias procedures and paediatric reconstructive procedures
for congenital abnormalities
Minimal Access Surgery/Laparoscopy
Extensive experience in minimal access surgery have devised own technique of endoscopy aided "keyhole
surgery" Experienced in laparoscopic ablative and reconstructive procedures
First Rank, M. Ch, 1997(MAHE Deemed University)
Empire-Weist Urodynamics Prize, 1996
(Best National Urodynamics Paper of the Year)
Selected for International Continence Society Meet Greece
Awarded Best Paper Prize (Urological Association of Kerala), 1995
First Rank, MS General Surgery, 1991(Mangalore University)
Fourth Rank, MBBS, 1987 (Mangalore University)
Honorary Professor of Urology - NU Hospitals, Bangalore - 2006 Till Date
Associate Professor of Urology - GSL Medical College, Rajhamundry - 2003 2004
Associate Professor of Urology - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - 1998 2001
Associate Professor of Urology - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - 1997 1998
Lecturer in Surgery - Kasturba Medical College, Manipal - 1992 1994
Tutor In Anatomy - Department of Anatomy, - Kasturba Medical College & Hospital, Manipal - 1988 1989
Chief Urologist - RG Stone Urology Centre, Bangalore - In charge of the Urology department which includes
in/out-patient management, managing state-of-the-art Laser Urology and Endourology - 2008 2009
Consultant Urologist - Manipal Hospital (and allied hospitals), Bangalore 2004 Till Date - In charge of in/out
patient management in tertiary care hospital - 2004 2008
Associate Professor & Head - Department of Urology, GSL Medical College, Rajhamundry - Undergraduate
teaching and managing in/out patient facilities - 2003 2004
Consultant & Chief of Urology - Saumya Apollo Hospitals, Vijayawada - Managing in/out patient facilities in a
tertiary care hospital - 2001 2003
Associate Professor of Urology - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - Undergraduate/postgraduate teaching
and managing in/out patient facilities in a tertiary care hospital - 1998 2001
Assistant Professor of Urology - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - Undergraduate/postgraduate teaching,
managing in/out patient facilities in a tertiary care hospital - 1997 1998
Senior Registrar - Department of Urology, - Kasturba Medical College, Manipal - Managing in/out patient
facilities in a tertiary care hospital.Training for M.Ch - 1994 1997
Lecturer in Surgery - Department of Surgery, - Kasturba Medical College, Manipal -
Undergraduate/Postgraduate teaching. Managing in/out patient facilities in a tertiary care hospital - 1992
Senior Houseman - Department of Urology, - St. John's Medical College, Bangalore - Managing in/out patient
facilities in a tertiary care hospital - 1988 1988
Internship - St. John's Medical College, Bangalore - 1987 1988
"Unusual Adrenal Tumour" - UAK Annual Conference, Mangalore - 1990
"Cushing's Syndrome" - UAK Annual Conference, Mangalore - 1990
"Uroflowmetry in Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction" - MS General Surgery Thesis Presentation - 1991
"Is Nocturnal Enuresis Pathologically Benign All The Time? A Urodynamic Appraisal" - UAK Annual
Conference, Manipal (Awarded best paper) - 1995
"Suicidal Tendencies Amongst Patients With Urological Disorder" - UAK Annual Conference, Mangalore - 1995
"Ice-Water Cystometry An Adjunct With Discriminating Value In The Evaluation Of Overactive Detrusor
Dysfunction" - UAK Annual Conference, Mangalore - 1996
"Is Adjuvant Therapy Needed For Scrotal Violation In Testicular Tumours?" - UAK Annual Conference, Trichur,
Kerala - 1996
"Adult Hirchsprung's Disease" - ASI, Mysore - 1993
"Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis" - ASI, Mysore - 1993
"Voiding Dysfunction Capable Of Upper Tract Damage - AnUnderestimated Facet Of Cerebral Palsy" -
USICON, Bangalore - 1996
"Role Of Uroflowmetry In Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction - MS General Surgery Thesis - 1991
"Pelvic Malignant 'Haemangiopericytoma' An Entity, A Urologist Ought To Know - 1996
"Renovascular Resistive Index Differential (Rid) A Useful Functional Parameter - In Post-Pyeloplasty Setting"
- USI, Chandigarh - 1998
"Indigenously Made " Snap- Gauge" Device In Detection Of - Nocturnal Penile Tumescence" - USI, Chandigarh
- 1998
"Is TRU-CUT Biopsy Preferable To Cystoscopic Cup Biopsy In Children With Pelvic Rhabpomysosarcoma" -
"Utility of Transperineal Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Initial Management of Impacted Calculi in the Posterior
"Failed Catheterisation - A Growing Menace" - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - 1998
Elimination Versus Excision of Retrocaval Segment in a Situation Of Preureteral - Cava Pros and Cons" -
"Post Radical Nephrectomy Hypermesis Unusual but a Distressing Complication" - Kasturba Medical College,
Mangalore - 1997
"Vesical Aspergilloma" - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - 1999
"Post Freyer's Prostatectomy Vanishing Bladder" - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - 1998
"Endourological Intervention In Von Willebrand Disease" - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - 1998
"Delayed Repair of an Intraperitoneal Bladder Injury Missed Thrice!!" - Kasturba Medical College, Bangalore -
"Management of Benign Prostatic Enlargement" - IMA, Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, Mangalore - 2002
"Management of Urological Trauma-Poly Trauma CME" - Saumya Apollo Hospital, Vijayawada - 2002
"Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction" - UROEVENT, Chhaya Nursing Home, Bangalore - 2004
"Urology Past, Present and Future" - Nightingales Elders' Centre, Bangalore - 2004
"Common Problem in Urology" - Canara Union Study Circle, Bangalore - 2004
"Urinary Problems in the Elderly" - Canara Union Study Circle, Bangalore - 2005
"Holmium Laser Applications in Urology" - RG Stone Urology, Taj Westend, Bangalore - 2008
"Urinary Problems in the Elderly" - Senior Citizen Association, Bangalore - 2009
"HoLEP in Management of BPH - RG Stone Urology,Taj Residency,Bangalore - 2009
"Holmium Laser Prostatectomy CME" - ESI Hospital, Indiranagar, Bangalore - 2009
"21st Century Urology CME" - API Bhavan, Bangalore - 2009
"HoLEP in Patients Unsuitable for TUR-P Monthly CME" - API Bhavan, Bangalore - 2009
"Laser Applications in Urology NIMA CME" - Suguna Hospital, Bangalore - 2009
"HoLEP in Patients with Cardiac Pacemakers" - 2009
"HoLEP in Patients Unfit for Conventional Prostate Surgery" - 2009
" Current concepts in the Management of Urinary Stone Disease" - IMA' Channapattana - 2010

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