Section | Curriculum Vitae |
Rajeev Sood
2 | QUALIFICATIONS | MBBS, MS. DNB (gen surg) MCh. DNB(Urol) |
3 | WORK EXPERIENCE | Internship: 1980-81 Army Hospital Delhi Cantt.
Medical Office: 1982-84 Military Hospital
Panagarh. West Bengal.
Surgery Training: 1984-86 Pune University.
Clinical Tutor surgery: 1986-89. Armed Forces
Medical College. Pune
Surgical Specialist: 1989-91. Military Hospital
Est 22
Urology Training:1991-93. All India Institute of
Medical Sciences. New Delhi.
Consultant Urologist: 1993-97: Command
Hospital Lucknow.
Consultant Urologist: 1997-2003: Army
hospital (R&R) New Delhi.
Senior Consultant Uology: 2003 to 2011 Max
Healthcare, DELHI.
Senior Consultant Urology:Dec 2011 to date.
Nova Health Care Hospitals
4 | DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK | Dr.(Col) Rajeev Sood comes with more than
23 yrs of distinguished services with the
Armed Forces and more than 20 years of
super specialization in urology. A graduate
of the 76 batch of the Armed Forces Medical
College, he is a Gold medalist through
MBBS, MS and MCh. As a surgeon, he was
awarded the Vishisht Seva Medal by the
President of India for performance beyond
the call of duty. While with the Armed forces
he has the credit of doing the first cadaver
renal transplant and the first laproscopic live
donor nephrectomy in the Armed Forces. He
took voluntary retirement from the Armed
Forces in the year 2003. As a renal
transplant surgeon he has to his credit more
than 800 renal transplants. He is the driving
force behind the Laser Prostatectomy
programme in the country. He started
Holmium enucleation prostate (HOLEP) in
the year 1999 and later was the first to
launch the High energy Green light laser
prostatectomy programme in the country in
2003. He has been active in the academic
field and has been faculty at numerous
Indian and International conferences and
operative workshops, with numerous
publications to his credit.
5 | RESEARCH PROJECTS | Ultrastructural changes in a long reversed
segment of intestine in dogs. Published MJAFI
Vol 2. 1987
| Advanced course surgery, AFMC Pune 1984-
| Training in ESWL: 1999. Henri Mondor
Hospital Paris. France
Training in Cryo surgery: 2001: University
Hospital. Virginia. USA
Training In Andrology. 2002. Cleveland Clinic,
Ohio. USA.
Training in green light laser prostate surgery:
2003. Kings Hospital. London.
8 | PAPERS ARTICLES PUBLISHED | Publications - Articles:
=> Giant Prostatic hyperplasia J: Post grad med
=> Low energy ESWL in children Indian pediatrics
Feb 1994 : 31(218-21)
=> Endo-pyelotomy a minimally invasive surgical
option for PUJ obstruction MJAFI Oct2003 vol
59 issue 4 page 320-323
=> Comparison of transrectal ultrasound, MRI and
CT in staging of carcinoma in prostate IND J
UROL 1993: 10 (1) 7-10
=> Giant staghorn uretral calculus Urologia
Internationalis 1995 vol 54 No 3 Page 177-178
=>Primary amyloidosis of the urinary bladder
IND J UROL 2003 vol 19 issue 2 page 157-159
=>Multi vessel renal transplant IND J UROL 2004
vol 20 issue 2 page 130-133
Chapters in Books:
=>Benign Prostatic hyperplasic and its
management Text of Geriatrics and
Gerontology 2nd edition 2004 ANB Publishers
=>Looking at surgery in a new light Laser
surgery for Benign Prostatic disease Journal
max Healthcare 2009
=>Urachical Tumors Advances in Uro-Oncology
1995 Saurabh Publishers
=> Changing trends in the management of Ureteric
Calculi an experience of over 1000 patients
Emerging concepts in stone disease and renal
disorders 1998 edition
Surgical Faculty & Papers presented in
=> Surgical Faculty - Advanced Urology Workshop:
Army Hospital R&R New Delhi - 2001
=> Holmium Laser Enucleation prostate: In more
than 100gm prostate Asian Urology
Conference 2002 Malaysia
=> Surgical Faculty - Operative Workshop on
Lasers in prostate surgery North Zone
Minimally Invasive Surgeons Society, Nov 2002,
=> Surgical Faculty - Advanced Urology Workshop:
Army Hospital R&R New Delhi - 2003
=> Surgical Faculty Launch of Medical Point
Urology Laser Institute New Delhi, Nov 2003
=> Surgical Faculty - Operative Workshop on
Lasers in prostate surgery Ramaswamy
Medical Institute Chennai Feb 2004, Chennai
=> Surgical Faculty - Operative Workshop on
Lasers in prostate surgery PROSURG July
2004, Pune
=> Surgical Faculty - Operative Workshop on
Lasers in prostate surgery South Zone
=>Urology Society Nov 2004, Kochi
=> High power KTP Laser prostatectomy: the technique and its application in cases unfit for TURP 22nd World Congress of Endo-urology 2005 New Delhi
=> Guest Lecture Expanse Urology KTP laser prostate surgery 2006, Uttarakand
=> Surgical Faculty PERCON Operative Workshop Lions Hospital 2007 New Delhi
=> Guest Lecture Expanse Urology Green Light Laser vapo-incision prostate 2008 Malaysia
=> Guest Lecture Expanse Urology Cyber Green Enucleation prostate 2011 Hongkong
=> Surgical Faculty PERCON Operative Workshop Lions Hospital Oct 2011 New Delhi
=> Guest Lecture Lasers in Urology Green light Laser Enucleation prostate for more than 100mg prostate Bangkok Nov 2011
9 | TEACHING EXPERIENCE | Clinical Tutor Surgery: 1986-89. Armed
Forces Medical College Pune.
Teacher in Urology: 1998-2003. Diplomate
National Board India. Army Hospital
(Research&Referral) New Delhi.
| All India Higher Secondary: 1974 KV
BSc Part I : Holkar Science College. Indore
11 | REFEREES | Dr SN Wadhwa. Former Professor of Urology.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Delhi.
Dr NP Gupta. Former Profe4ssor of Urology.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

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