- Versatile Medical professional with rich cross functional experience of over 12 years in various aspects of surgical field; currently working as Professor & HOD of Gynaec-Oncology at M.S.Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore having served the same for the last 15 years.
Extensive experience in handling large workforces, maintaining peaceful & amicable work environment in the organization and initiating capacity building measures.
Ample knowledge base with PhD in gynaec oncology from All Union Cancer Research Centre, Moscow, Russian Academy of Medical sciences and received special training in surgical management of gynaec malignancies with expertise in advanced radical surgery; MD (OB/GYN) from University of Mysore.
Proficiency in special procedures like Intraperitoneal chemotherapy, Colposcopy, Radical vagino-abdominal surgery etc.
Earlier worked as Senior Research associate at Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay, at Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore
Quick learner with sharp, analytical mind that can be optimally utilized in research and development activities. Possess insight into the fundamentals of medical science and day-to-day developments.
Notable Accolades
Instrumental in creation of oncology/oncosurgery set up and also in creation of MS Ramaiah Curie Centre of Oncology.
Honoured by societies like Lions club, various charitable local bodies and trusts.
Conducted & participated as faculty in Surgical workshops (numerous) as training for others
Carried out Projects of research interest which have culminated with outcome of publications.
Delivered many lectures in national conferences
Member of College Council which takes decisions in regards to medical school.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Involved in Clinical work (Diagnosis with medical & surgical treatment).
Teaching undergraduates and post graduates
Execute research activities
Accountable for administrative work related to department, hospital and medical school.
- Senior Consultant and HOD Department of Fynec-Oncology BGS Global Cancer Institute
Professor & HOD of Gynaec-Oncology from March 1996 till December 2011 at M.S.RAMAIAH MEDICAL COLLEGE, and Hospitals Bangalore
Jan’95-Mar’96 -
Senior Research Associate of CSIR- Department of Gynaecology
May’94-Dec’94 -
Senior Research Associate of CSIR- Department of Genito-Urinary and Gynaecological services
MGM Medical College (MGM Group of Hospitals)
Jan’93-May’94 -
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology & Consulting Obstetrician and Gyanaecologist
Somaiya Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Sion, Bombay-
Nov’92-Jan’93 -
Registrar, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
Oct’88-Aug’92 -
Women and Children Hospital , Anantapur road, Bellary,Karnataka
Mar’88-Oct’88 -
Assistant Surgeon
Ph.D (GYN/Oncology), 1992
- Cancer Research Center, Russian Academy Of Medical Sciences, Moscow-Russia; 1st class
M.B.B.S, 1984
- Karnataka University, Dharwad, India
Publications :
- Ramarajapalli ML , Nitin Rao AR [2], Prathima K [3], Nalini Kilara G [4]. OVARIAN CHORIOCARCINOMA WITH CONCURRENT METASTASES TO SPLEEN AND ADRENAL: FIRST CASE REPORT. Journal of Gynecologic Surgery [accepted]
Ramarajapalli ML, Kilara NG, Murali S and Rao NAR. Technique of Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Using Veress Needle in Patients with Ovarian Cancer.Int J Gynecol Cancer 21(8):1388-1390,November 2011DOI:10.1097/IGC.0b013e318228f441
GS Jyoti,RL Manjunath,HM Sudha,Swarup A.A Rare Case of Synchronous Genital Carcinoma Involving the Endocervix and Bilateral Fallopian Tubes. Journal of SAFOG.2011;3(2):106-108 DOI:10.5005/jp-journals-10006-1142
M Swamy N, Manjunath RL, M Kumar U et.al. Primary Adenocarcinoma of Fallopian Tube. Journal of SAFOG. 2011;3(1):36-37 DOI:10.5005/jp-journals-10006-1120
Asha Swarup, R.L.Manjunath, G.S.Jyothi “Primary carcinoma of vagina with Utero Vaginal Prolapse”, Obstetrics and Gynaecology today, May 2008, Vol.xiii, No.5, pp 216-217
Kozachanka V.P. , Ramarajapalli M.L. Ermilova V.D. and Jordania K.J.“INFJUNCE OF METASTASES ON THE PROGNOSIS OF ADENOCARCARCINOMA OF CERVIX UTERI”, European Journal of Gyanecological oncology XIII, No.5, 1992.pp. 394-397
Ramarajapalli M.L. “VALUE OF PRE-OPERATIVE STAGING OF CERVICAL ADENOCARCINOMA “.Herald of the Cancer Research Center, of AMS of Russia, n-1 1992, pp 42-46
Kulkarni.J.N; TangaonkarH.B.; Ramarajapalli M.L, Monali Desai and Saritha Saraiya, “PELVIC EXENTERATION: TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL EXPERENCE”.
Journal of Obst. &Gynae, of India Vol. 44 No. 6, December 1994, pp. 949
Ramarajapalli M.L ,Shakila Shetty, Jyothi, Brinda B.R,”ANTENATAL SONOGRAPHIC DIAGNOSIS OF OMPHALCOELE IN A KNOWN EPILEPTIC” ”. Journal of Obst. &Gynae, of India Vol. 47, No. 3, June 1997, pp. 270-271
Ramarajapalli, K. Umadevi, Rajni Uday, Sujani B.K., Asha Swarup,”PSEUDOMYXOMA PETITONENI”, Journal of Obst. &Gynae, of India Vol. 47, No. 5TH , October 1997 , pp. 458
Lebedev A.J., Ramarajapalli M.L, Zinovev N.E.&Kalinin A.V. “COMBINATION TRETMENT OF PATIENTS WITH STAGE II CERVICAL CARCINOMA”, Abstract of the paper presented at all Union Conference on Standaridization of Method of Radiation Therapy, Leningrad, Russia, 1991,pp.73-74.
Manjunath .R.L, Dr.Sonal Agarwal “Optional Cytoreduction in ovarian carcinoma”. Abstract of the poster presentation at International satellite symposium and operative workshop on Gynaeccological Oncology(ISGO-2008).
Manjunath.R.L, Dr.Meenal Sen “Surgery in carcinoma cervix Post RTCT” at International satellite symposium and operative workshop on Gynaeccological Oncology(ISGO-2008).
Member of Academic Bodies
- Member International Gynecologic Cancer Society
Life member of the association of Gyneacologic Oncologists of India.
Member of Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gyneacology.
Life member of Bangalore Oncology Group
Academic Activities
- 26TH February 1995- participated in the panel discussion on “Ovarian neoplasm- associated with infertility” in the clinical meeting of BSOG (Bangalore Society of Obstrics and Gynaecology).
20th May 1995-Talk on “Carcinoma Cervix Surgical management in the CME programme for post graduates from all over South India conducted by BSOG.
26TH October 1997=whole session on Gyn. Oncology under BSOG
Neo- adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced Ca.Cervix and techinic of Radical Hysterrectomy with Retro peritoneal lymphadenactomy.
Intra-Peritoneal Chemotherapy – video presentation.
Psaudomucinous cystadenocarcinoma Grade 1; Management of Recurrence.
15th April 1998—Demonstration on Surgery-Radical Hysterectomy with Retroperitoneal Lymph node section at ESI Hospital, Rajajinager, Bangalore.
20th June 1998- seminar on” HRT (Hormonal replacement therapy) new trend” at Bangalore conducted by Johnson and Johnson limited
1998-Panel discussion on “C0ntrovarsies in the management of early Carcinoma of the initial Tract in Nulliparous young women” in the conference “New.
11th October 1998-Paper presentation entitled “INTRA PERITONEAL CHEMOTHERAPY USING VERESS VII Annual Conference of Gynaecological Oncologists of India, 1998 meeting held at Pondicherry.
24th October 1998- Talk on “Recent advances in the management of Gynae-Cancers” in the CME program for Medical Officers of Hindustan Lever limited at Bangalore.
8th November 1998- A discussion on “Conservative in Management of Gynaec – Malignancies in young women”. In the All India Conference of fellows and members of Royal College of obstetricians and Gynaecologists at Bangalore
29th November 1998- Talk on “Colposcopy and its application” in the CME program conducted by Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences at Bellur, Karnataka.
29th November 1998- panel discussion on “Conservative Management of Cancer Cervix” in the BSOG Scientific session at Bangalore.
2nd January 1999-Demonstration of Surgery “Technique of Cytoraductive Surgery for Malignant Ovarian Tumor” at Bowring Hospital of Bangalore Medical College
8th January 1999-Talk on “Colposcopy “in Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College ,Kolar
17th April 1999-“A free awareness camp on gynaecological issues” conducted by Ashraya Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Center, Bangalore.
27th August 1999 – Talk on “INTRA PERITONEAL CHEMOTHERAPY IN CANCER OVARY – our experience” in the scientific meet of Oncology group, Bangalore.
22nd November 2000 – “Peritonial access for Interventional Administration of Chemotherapy”. Paper awarded second prize at the meeting of surgical society of Bangalore.
27th January, 2001, GUEST LECTURE on “Cancer cervix – Surgery and Chemotherapy” at OB/GYN Society, Raichur.
29th September 2001, invited Guest Lecture on “CYTOREDUCTIVE SURGEY in OVARIAN CARCINOMA” in the XV Karnataka state Obstetrics and Gynaecological Association ‘s Conference, held at Belgaum—Karnataka.
6th October—2001, attended scientific meet/workshop on Gynae – Oncology organized at AICCRCOG --- South Zone, Bangalore.
18th November-2001, invited Guest Lecture on “Ovarian Malignancy” held at Ooty; - Tamil Nadu.
1st December, 2001, Lecturer on “Ovarian Tumors” at Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka.
19th December 2001, conducted operative workshop on Gynae-Oncology at Davanagere ob/gyn Society, Karnataka.
23rd March, 2002, operative workshop on Gynaec- Oncology held at Hubli, Dharwad OB/GYN Society, Karnetaka.
30th August 2002, operative demonstration of Radical Hystectomy at Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore.
09-1-2003, panel discussion on conservative management of Gynaec- Malignancies, at 46th All India Congress of OB/GYN held at Bangalore
28th March, 2003, Guest Lecture on “An Insight into Colposcopy and its use in oral pathology” at Vokkaligara Sangha, Dental College and Bangalore.
9.4.2004 – Lecture & Demonstration of Radical Surgery for Carcinoma of Cervix Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore.
12.2004--- Live demonstration of Radical Surgeries by International faculty at St. Philomena’s Hospital, Bangalore, main anchor.
2.2004—Panelist on “Gestational Trophoblastic Tumour” in the Symposium on Gynec-oncology at Bangalore conducted by AICC-RCOG & Association of Gynec – Oncologists of India.
2.2005,Guest Lecture on “Practical Management of Ovarian Tumors at the CME on Gynaec oncology organized by SDU Medical College, Kolar and Association of Gynaec oncologists of India.
16.6.2005, surgical demonstration of Wertheim’s hysterectomy at Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital, Bangalore Medical College.
4.7.2005. Demonstration of Wertheim’s hysterectomy at post graduates of Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore.
22-1-2006. Workshop and lecture on ‘Coloposcopy’ at Bangalore Medical College.
22-2-2007. Lecture on surgical management in Intra-peritoneal Chemotherapy. Meeting of Ca OVARY CORE GROUP, at Bangalore.
13-4-2007. Lecture on “IP Therapy in Ovarian Cancer in low Resource setting”, at International Congress On Ovarian Cancer, held at Bangalore.
14-4-2007. Panelist on “Low Malignant Potential Ovarian Tumours”, at International Congress On Ovarian Cancer, held at Bangalore
25-5-2007. Case presentation-“Interesting Pelvic Tumours”, in the Bangalore Oncology Group.
22-02-2007. Lecture on Surgical Management of Intraperitoneal chemotherapy at Ca Ovary Core Group, at Bengaluru.
13-04-2007. Lecture on IP therapy in ovarian cancer in low resource setting, First International Conference on ovarian Cancer.
14-04-2007. Panelist on”Low Malignant potential ovarian tumours, First International Conference on ovarian Cancer.
25-05-2007. Conference on “Interesting pelvic Tumors”, at Bangalore Oncology Group, at Bengaluru.
09-01-2008. Guest Lecture on ovarian cancer at Bangalore College, Bengaluru.
22-03-2008. Speaker at meet one experts session of update in Gynaec Oncology organized by the Association of Gynecologic oncologists of India held at NMHANS, Bengaluru.
17-05-2008 and 22-05-2008. Lecture on ‘Well Women Clinic’ for the audience of about 450(thousand) women on each day at BEL, Kalakshetra, Bengaluru.
21-10-2008. Member of Advisory committee of International satellite symposium and operative workshop on Gynaecological Oncology, held at Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru.
22-10-2008. Chairperson of Scientific session at International satellite symposium on Gynaecological Oncology held at Hotel Chancery pavition, Bangaluru.
25-11-2008. Lecture on Current scenario of Ca Cervix in India, Round table Conference on cervical cancer and HPV Vaccination held at MSRMC, Bengaluru.
03-12-2008. Meet the expert session on the value of FIGO Guidelines. A Gynecologists perspective organized at AGOI and BMC, Bengaluru.
12/04.2009: Lecture and video presentation on “Intra Peritoneal chemotherapy in epithelial ovarian tumors” in the video based conference in Gynec –Oncology held NIMHANS, Bangalore.
31/07/2009: Interesting case presentation:
- Ovarian Tumor-Diagnostic Audit.
Fertility sparing treatment in a case of endometrial cancer at the clinical society meeting of MSR Hospital.
October 2009: Demonstration of Colposcopic examination, of Oral Mucosa to the faculty oral Medicine and Oral Pathology, of M.S.Ramaiah Dental College, Bangalore.
January 31st 2010 – Talk on Colposcopy at the CME-update in Breast and gynaec-oncology, organized by ISHA Diagnostics, Bangalore.
February 20th 2010 – World Cancer Day Celebration at M.S. Ramaiah Memorial Hospital Auditorium. Interactive session with cancer survivor’s relatives and general public, along with my other Oncology Departments.
March 12th 2010 - World Gynec – Oncology day. CME conducted in collaboration with radiation oncology department, at M.S. Ramaiah Curie Centre of Oncology. Talk on surgical treatment of Cancer cervix.
March 26th 2010 – Talk on “Management of ovarian tumors” at the CME conducted by Siddarth Medical College, Tumkur.
June 10th 2010 – Cancer survivor’s day celebration along with other oncology departments at M.S. Ramaiah Curie Centre of Oncology. Interactive session with cancer survivors, their relatives and general public.
June 24th 2010 – Attended workshop on research methodology and statistics conducted by Rajeev Gandhi University of Health Sciences.
August 14th 2010 – Chaired session “ Live Onco-Surgical workshop on radical hysterectomy type III&Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in carcinoma cervix” update,held on the occasion of platinum jubilee celebrations of Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore.
August 15th 2010 – Delivered talk “ Surgical approaches in carcinoma cervix” at CME held on the occasion of platinum jubilee celebrations , Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore.
November 12, 2010 – Delieverd talk on “VIN and VAIN (vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia & vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia) at the pre congress workshop of 19th AGOICON 2010 (National conference of Association of Gynaecological oncologists of India).
November 13th 2010 – Chaired session “Free paper presentations” at 19th AGOICON 2010(National conference of Association of Gynaecological oncologists of India).
November 14th 2010 – Chaired session-controversies in Gynaecological Oncology “Lymphadenectomy should be included in surgery for cancer endometrial ” a debate at 19th AGOICON 2010(National conference of Association of Gynaecological oncologists of India).
February 19th 2011-talk on “Radicality in Surgery” conference on “National update on cervical cancer” held at Coimbatore.
February 19th 2011-Moderator for Live demonstration of radical surgery for cancer cervix, conference on “National update on cervical cancer” held at Coimbatore
February 20th 2011-Discussant on “Standard of care by surgery in cervical cancer:Gynaecological Onco-surgeon’s perspective” conference on “National update on cervical cancer” held at Coimbatore
February 20th 2011-Panelist in “Panel discussion-Standard of care in cervical cancer” conference on “National update on cervical cancer” held at Coimbatore
February 20th 2011-Discussant on “Standard of care by surgery in cervical cancer:Gynaecological Onco-surgeon’s perspective” conference on “National update on cervical cancer” held at Coimbatore.
March 23rd and 24th,2011-Chairperson for the colposcopy workshop held at Mazumdar Shah Cancer Centre,Bangalore
April 30th, 2011-Conducted live colposcopy workshop at Sapthagiri Hospital,Bangalore
July 6th ,2011-Operative workshop and live demonstration of surgery for cancer of uterine cervix at Sapthagiri Medical College Hospital, Bangalore
July 25th,2011-Guest lecture on “Surgical management of carcinoma of cervix” at SDM Medical College, Kolar
December 9th , 10th and 11th ,2011 Chairperson for the-1)Live Gyn-onco Surgery work-shop on December 9th ,2011. 2) Y-GOG programme on December 9th, , 2011. 3) Vulva-The disputed area on December10th , 2011.
4) Endometrial Carcinoma-Management dilemma” December 11th ,2011
Speaker on “ Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy using Veress needle “ in the session on contemporary issues on December 10th, 2011
December 17th ,2011- Guest lecture on “Management of Ovarian Yumors”at Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology,Bangalore.December 24th ,2011-Guest lecture on “Surgical Treatment of Cervical Cancer” at KMIO,Bangalore
December 27th ,2011-Expert member for selection of Fellowship candidates in Gynaec-Oncology at KMIO,Bangalore

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