Autologolous Dermal Grafts (penis widening) can be performed as a stand alone procedure or you can combine it with Penile Lengthening and Glanular Enhancement.
Penile Dermal Widening Grafting is one of two procedures that our phalloplasty surgeon performs for penile widening; the other is Penile AlloDerm ®.
Penile Dermal Fat Grafts (DFG) which was first used for penis widening surgery over 15 years ago is a skin graft just like AlloDerm ®. The difference is it's your own living tissue that is going to be transplanted into your penis leaving a very quick recovery.
Patients can expect a permanent girth gain of 1-2" or more with Dermal Grafts compared to ¾-1" or more with Phalloplasty AlloDerm ®, even though we put in about twice as much AlloDerm ® (4-5 sheets) than any other cosmetic penis enlargement surgeons.
Please contact us if you want to find out if you are a candidate for Penis Dermal Widening Grafts.
If you have an average body type to a larger body type, then you are a candidate for Penile Dermal Grafts. The possible donor site locations for your Penile Dermal Fat Grafts to be taken from are you lower back, stomach, under your butt creases, inner creases of your butt and your lower back.
Advantages of donor site locations for your Phalloplasty Dermal Grafts surgery are : -
Inner creases of your butt making the scar line undetectable.
Under the creases of your butt hiding the scar line and giving you a mini buttock augmentation. This is where I had the grafts taken from.
Lower back is more visible but also has the thickest grafts from the cosmetic phalloplasty doctor's experiences.
Stomach which also gives you a mini tummy tuck.
Advantages of Penile Dermal Fat Grafts over Penis Alloderm ® Surgery : -
Dermal Widening Grafts is your own living tissue taken from one part of your body and wrapped around your penis. AlloDerm ® is dead tissue taken from a donor's Cadaver skin, thus taking the healing process slightly longer.
Dermal Widening Grafts are a thicker graft than AlloDerm ® even though we use more AlloDerm ® (4-5 sheets) than most other doctors. Patients can expect a 1-2" gain or more with Dermal Grafts compared to ¾-1" or more with Dermal Matrix AlloDerm ® Grafts.
Advantages of AlloDerm ® over Dermal Grafts : -
There is no donor site for AlloDerm ® Grafts allowing no visible scars on your body like with Dermal Fat Grafts.
If a patient has a thin body type, then they might not be a candidate for Dermal Widening Grafts since Dermal Grafts are your own living tissue taken from one part of your body and inserted into your penis. AlloDerm ® would be their only option for permanent penile widening surgery since it's not taken from your body!
Here are some procedures that can be included with Dermal Widening Grafts;
Dual Augmentation Surgery (TM)
Triple Augmentation Surgery (TM)
Penile Reconstructive Surgery & Penis Revisionary Surgery
Penis Fat Injections Removal Surgery (Free Fat Transfer Removal Surgery)
Penile Lengthening Surgery
Penis Widening with Dermal Fat Grafts
Penile Widening with Allograft Dermal Matrix Grafting (Penile Alloderm ®)
Penis Glanular Enlargement Surgery
Penile Widening with AlloDerm ®
Allograft Dermal Matrix AlloDerm ® can be performed as a stand alone procedure or you can combine is with Penile Lengthening and Glanular Enhancement.
Our cosmetic phalloplasty surgeon put in more AlloDerm (R) then any other surgeon around the globe! He puts in 4-5 sheets compared to 1-3 sheets from other surgeon's. If you are contacting other surgeon's, than be sure to ask how many sheets of AlloDerm (R) they are putting in patients! From our knowledge we put in the most for the widest penis girth!
Allograft ® Dermal Matrix Grafts AlloDerm ® is the most up to date Penis Widening procedure. It is one of two options for permanent girth enlargement that our surgeon performs. The other is Dermal Fat Grafts. Our surgeon does not perform Penile Fat Injections (FFT, Free Fat Transfer) because the satisfaction rate is extremely low. I personally tried Penile Fat Injections 3 times in 1 year and was left very unsatisfied!
Penile Surgery AlloDerm ® is donated human cadaver skin that is purified of all diseases from the Life Cell Corporation ( AlloDerm ® has been proven worthy for other cosmetic surgeries as well. Penile AlloDerm (R) has had over one million cases with no viral infectious disease transmission. Our surgeon has performed hundreds of Penis Enlargement AlloDerm ® cases and can say that the result is a permanent result for penile widening!
Patients can expect a circumference gain of ¾-1" or more with AlloDerm ®. Our surgeon puts in about twice as much AlloDerm ® (4-5 sheets) than most other doctor's which is why we are slightly more expensive.
Advantages of Penis AlloDerm ® over Penis Surgery Dermal Grafts : -
There is no donor site for enis surgery AlloDerm ® allowing no visible scars on your body like with Penile Dermal Widening Grafts.
If a patient has a thin body type, then they might not be a candidate for Penile Dermal Widening Grafts since Penile Dermal Grafts are your own living tissue taken from one part of your body and inserted into your penis. Penis AlloDerm ® would be their only option for permanent penile widening since it's not taken from your body.
Advantages of Penile Dermal Fat Grafts over Penile Alloderm. : -
Dermal Widening Grafts are your own living tissue taken from one part of your body and placed into your penis. AlloDerm ® is dead tissue taken from a donor's Cadaver skin.
Dermal Grafts are a thicker graft than AlloDerm ® even though we use more Phalloplasty AlloDerm ® (4 sheets) then most other doctors. Patients can expect a 1-2" gain or more with Dermal Grafts compared to ¾-1" or more with AlloDerm ®.
Our surgeon can perform each surgery below with Penile AlloDerm (R).
Dual Augmentation SurgeryT
Penile Dual AugmentationT surgery consists of both Penile Lengthening and Penile Widening with Dermal Grafts (DFG) or AlloDerm® being performed at the same time. The Penis Dual AugmentationT is ideal for people who want immediate length and girth. It does not include the Glanular Enhancement.
If you are interested in the Glanular Enhancement as well, then go to Triple Augmentation SurgeryT. The surgeon highly recommends the Triple Augmentation Surgery, just because the shaft of the penis will be much thicker, and the Glanular Enhancement will make the head of your penis ascetic with the rest of your penis. We don't want you to be disappointed if your head is much smaller than your shaft. The Glanular Enhancement will give you the perfect result!
The cosmetic phalloplasty surgeon performed the Triple Augmentation Surgery on me over a year ago, and I am almost 2" wider in girth, 2" longer in length and the Glanular Enhancement made a huge different to the head of my penis (glans) as well!
Other Penile Glanular Enhancement Surgery methods have only temporary gains such as hyaluronic-acid gel which only lasts up to a year. It's a very costly procedure for a temporary gain. (around $3,500 a year to keep the penis head enlargement).
Penis Lengthening is performed first where it involves the release of the suspensory ligament, fundiform ligaments, and a few collateral ligaments. Release of these ligaments will allow the inner penis to come outward of the body, there for increasing your immediate flaccid length. Once the ligaments have been cut, part of the penile shaft (usually held within the body) drops forward and extends on average of 1"- 2" inches. The 2" incision is made above the base of the penis in the pubic area (not on the penis itself), leaving the area to fully heal in a matter of weeks without being noticeable!
Penis Widening with Dermal Widening Grafts (DFG) or Allograft Dermal Matrix AlloDerm®, or Glanular Enhancement is performed next.
Penile Dual AugmentationT surgery is performed under general anesthesia. You might experience minimal pain and possibly moderate discomfort. This varies from person to person. I personally had only slight discomfort but no pain with my Triple Augmentation SurgeryT, including I had Dermal Fat Grafts for the Penis Widening Procedure. I didn't use the pain medication prescribed for me or even Tylenol!
Most men require 3-7 days off work, but this varies from person to person. If you opt for Dermal Widening Grafts, then the donor site might be uncomfortable for a week after surgery. There is no donor site for Penile AlloDerm® resulting in a more comfortable recovery.
You should also rest you body and not participate in physical activities for at least four weeks after surgery.
Sexual Activity must be avoided for 6 weeks after surgery. Erections must be controlled for 6 weeks as well after surgery. The doctor will prescribe you erection control medication. Believe me it works!
Triple Augmentation Surgery
Penile Triple AugmentationT surgery is our most popular surgery! It consists of Penile Lengthening Surgery, Penile Widening Surgery and Penile Glanular Enhancement Surgery (penile head enlargement) all being performed at the same time. The Penile Widening procedures that is offered are Penile Dermal Fat Grafts (DFG) or Dermal Matrix AlloDerm ®.
The cosmetic phalloplasty surgeon and I will ask you certain question's to find out what's the best Penis Widening option's for you!
The surgeon highly recommends the Triple Augmentation surgery, just because the shaft of the penis will be much thicker, and the Penile Glanular Enhancement Surgery will make the head of your penis ascetic with the rest of your penis. We don't want you to be disappointed if your head is much smaller than your shaft. The Penis Glanular Enlargement Surgery will give you the perfect result!
Penis Triple AugmentationT surgery is ideal for people who want immediate length, girth and head enlargement! Our surgeon is the only one around the globe that performs all the procedures all at once. Our surgeon highly recommends for optimum gains to have the Triple Augmentation Surgery!
Penis Lengthening is performed first where it involves the release of the suspensory ligament, fundiform ligaments, and a few collateral ligaments. Release of these ligaments will allow the inner penis to come outward of the body, there for increasing your immediate flaccid length. Once the ligaments have been cut, part of the penile shaft (usually held within the body) drops forward and extends on average of 1"- 2" inches. The 2" incision is made above the base of the penis in the pubic area (not on the penis itself), leaving the area to fully heal in a matter of weeks without being noticeable!
Penile Girth Enhancement in next performed with Penile Dermal Widening Grafts (DFG) or Allograft Dermal Matrix AlloDerm ®. If you are interested in surgery then I will ask you to fill out a brief "Ready for Surgery Form," so the doctor can determine which Penis Widening procedure you are a candidate for. Patients can expect a gain of 1-2" or more with Penis Dermal Fat Grafts and 3/4"-1" or more with AlloDerm (R). We offer more Penile AlloDerm (R) (4-5 sheets) than any other surgeon!
The Penis Glanular Enhancement Surgery is next performed, and can also be performed as a stand alone procedure. This is the only Penile Glanular Enlargement Surgery technique that uses permanent grafts, such as a graft of the patient's own skin using either Penis Dermal Widening Grafts or Penis AlloDerm (R) to enlarge the coronal ridge of the Glans. You can expect a gain of up to 15% over your pre-operative size 1/3 up the coronal ridge of the glans.
Other Penile Glanular Enhancement Surgery methods have only temporary gains such as hyaluronic-acid gel which only lasts up to a year. It's a very costly procedure for a temporary gain. (around $3,500 a year to keep the penis head enlargement).
Please remember to have a realistic expectation regarding Penis Enlargement Surgery. We will do our best to get you to the size you want to be, but each person varies and 3" gains or more are not realistic expectations! If you have a larger body type and opt for penis widening Penile Dermal Fat Grafts, you might be able to get over 2" in penile girth.
Penile Triple AugmentationT Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. You might experience minimal pain and possibly moderate discomfort. This varies from person to person. I personally had only slight discomfort but no pain with my Triple Augmentation SurgeryT, including I had Penile Dermal Fat Grafts for the penile widening procedure. I didn't use the pain medication prescribed for me or even Tylenol!
Most men require 3-7 days off work, but this varies from person to person. If you opt for Penile Dermal Widening Grafts, than the donor site might be uncomfortable for a week after surgery. There is no donor site for Penile AlloDerm ® resulting in a more comfortable recovery.
You should also rest you body and not participate in physical activities for at least four weeks after surgery.
Sexual Activity must be avoided for 6 weeks after surgery. Erections must be controlled for 6-8 weeks as well after surgery. Our phalloplasty surgeon will prescribe you erection control medication. Believe me it works!
If you are interested in Penis Enlargement Surgery now then feel free to Contact Us .
Penile Glanular Enhancement
Our cosmetic phalloplasty surgeon performs the only permanent Penile Glanular Enhancement Surgery in this part of the globe! Penile Glanular Enlargement Surgery can be performed as a stand alone procedure. If you are looking to enhance your length and girth, then we recommend the Triple AugmentationT Surgery. This includes the Glanular Enhancement, Penile Lengthening and Penile Widening Surgery with either Dermal Widening Grafts or Allograft Dermal Matrix AlloDerm (R).
This is the only Penile Head Enhancement Surgery technique that uses permanent grafts, using either Dermal Fat Grafts or AlloDerm (R) to enlarge the coronal ridge of the Glans (head).
Other Penile Glanular Enhancement Surgery methods have only temporary gains such as hyaluronic-acid gel which only lasts up to a year. It's a very costly procedure for a temporary gain. (around $3,500 a year to keep the penis head enlargement). We do not perform this!
Also if you don't want to do Penile lengthening Surgery, then we can perform the Penile Glanular Enhancement Surgery and Penis Widening together in another Dual AugmentationT Surgery option. The doctor will decide on which Penis Widening procedure is best for you! Although we highly suggest our most popular surgery. The Triple Augmentation Surgery (TM).
For the cosmetic penis enlargement surgeon to enlarge the glans of the penis, he will create a space for the permanent graft located in the coronal ridge area of the glans. If you are getting the independent Penile Head Enlargement Surgery, an individual piece of the Penile Dermal Graft or Penile AlloDerm ® is used. If you combine the surgery with the Penis Glans Enhancement Surgery and Girth Enlargement, then the glans is with the graft used for your girth enlargement. You can expect a gain of up to 15% over your pre-operative size, depending on the size of the graft used.
Penile Reconstruction & Revisionary Surgery
As we all know there are no cosmetic procedures that have been perfected to date. Every cosmetic procedure has its rare infections and deformities. In the Phalloplasty industry we have seen surgeons come and go. Some of them are still performing techniques that are not effective, while other techniques are but the patients still develop those rare deformities and need reconstructions. Our surgeon not only performs Penis Enlargement surgery, but he also specializes in Penis Reconstruction & Revisionary surgery.
I personally chose the wrong cosmetic penis enlargement surgeon the first time. I had a horrible start with a 30% severed ligament. I built up scar tissue and lost length! I also had 3 penis fat injection (FFT, Free Fat Transfer) surgeries over a 1 year span, which left me with lumps, bumps and clumps. Each time I went to the doctor he put more fat in me since it was absorbing within weeks!
The new surgeon (who I am consulting for now) took out the scar tissue and severed the penis ligaments 90%! I gained 2" immediate flaccid length after surgery! My erections are solid rock and points in the same direction as before any surgeries!
I highly don't recommend people having Penile Fat Injections (FFT, Free Fat Transfer) where fat is injected into your penis. I have spoken to numerous people that had severe deformities from it and our surgeon is an expert in this field of Injected Fat Removal.
The new cosmetic phalloplasty surgeon ended up performing the Triple Augmentation TM surgery which included Penile Lengthening, Penile Widening with Dermal Grafts, Glanular Enhancement and Penis Reconstruction & Penis Revisionary surgery with removal of Free Fat Transfer and scar tissue revision.
The result a year later has increased my penile length and penile girth tremendously! There is no detection of me having any surgeries, and just recently I told my girlfriend that I had penis enlargement surgery done and that I want to promote this surgeon due my excellent results and other's whom I have spoken to. She had no clue I had it done and was actually very supportive! I am now a changed man for the best and hope you will educate yourself by researching my website. It is a great feeling going from a regular sized condom to a female condom since a Magnum XL is too tight!
Please note that almost all reconstruction cases can be performed with Penis Enlargement Surgery! This includes Dermal Fat Grafts, Penis Widening with AlloDerm ®, Glanular Enhancment, Dual Augmentation Surgery (TM) and Triple Augmentation Surgery (TM).
9 months after removal of Penile Fat Injection and insertion of Dermal Widening Grafts, Penis Lengthening and Glanular Enhancement. (Triple Augmentation & Penile Reconstruction combined). I am almost 2" thicker & 2" longer!
Penile Fat Injection Surgery (FFT, Free Fat Transfer) left me with a lumpy & shorter penis!
13 months after Penis Fat Injection Removal and insertion of Dermal Widening Grafts, Penis Lengthening and Penis Glanular Enhancement Surgery. (Thus is the Triple Augmentation & Penile Reconstruction combined). I am almost 2" thicker & 2" longer!
Penile Fat Injection Absorbed after 6 weeks! I was back to 5" erect girth and lost length!
13 Months After Penile Fat Injection Removal, Triple Augmentation Surgery, Penis Reconstruction & Penis Revisionary Surgery. I am 1.8" thicker and gained length too!
Penile Reconstruction & Penis Revisionary List : -
Removal of Penile Injected Fat (FFT, Free Fat Transfer, Penis Fat Injections) : -
Our surgeon will not put AlloDerm ® or Dermal Grafts over FFT, but will take out Penile Fat Injections and then put in either AlloDerm ® or Dermal Grafts if that is your goal. If you just want removal of Penile Fat Injections then please let us know!
Removal of lumps, bumps and/or clumps from Penis Fat Injections : -
Our surgeon is skilled to remove them without damaging the penis. It is best however to remove the Injected Fat sooner than later, where it will clot onto your penis and will be a longer surgery and more invasive surgery.
Scar Tissue Revision : -
The surgeon might recommend Performing Penis Lengthening as well (even if you already had Penis Lengthening done from your previous surgeon). He will remove excess scar tissue and he also knows that not all surgeons severe the ligaments enough. This was the case for me as well. I ended up gaining 2" of immediate flaccid length!
Scrotal Webbing Reduction (Turkey Neck) : -
The scrotum is attached all the way from the base of penis to the entire lower surface of penis nearly to the glans (head), thus giving the appearance of a small penis and deformed scrotum. We can fix this problem with the removal of extensive penoscrotal webbing. Once we fix the issue with a scrotal tissue tuck, you will have the appearance of a longer penis.
Buried Penis : -
Due to a large amount of infrapubic fat and the inability to retract foreskin (phimosis), our surgeon can correct this problem with penopubic and penoscrotal junctions. Our surgeon might be able to perform widening surgery, supra pubic lipo and Penis Lengthening as well.
Deformities from Penis Widening with Penile AlloDerm : -
This could result in removing the grafts and having the doctor put in new ones. Our surgeon has had a large number of AlloDerm ® reconstructions, mostly from other surgeons not putting in enough AlloDerm ®, and not suturing it correctly. If you would like Dermal Fat Grafts inserted instead we could go over your options.
Deformities from Penile Widening with Dermal Widening Grafts : -
This could result in removing the grafts and having the doctor insert new Dermal Fat Grafts or AlloDerm ®. Most of our Dermal Widening Graft reconstructions are from other surgeons suturing very thin Grafts around the corpus cavernosum of the penis. Our surgeon sutures as large of a graft as possible that will fit in your penis giving you the best aesthetic result!
If you have another deformity that you would like to let us know, then please contact us!
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Patient Storys
Successful heart surgery at We Care India partner hospital allows Robert Clarke to live a normal life despite a rare genetic disorder We Care india helped Robert find best super specialised surgeon for his rare conditions.